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Legal advice

Leaflet and recommendations for those affected by repression of the action of 08./09. July 2019 in Basel.

1 For all those who have not yet done so: contact us so that we can keep you informed about the further course of the procedure, any follow-up meetings etc For all those who haven’t done it yet: contact us so that we can keep you informed about the further course of the procedure, possible follow-up meetings etc.


2 If you haven’t done it yet, take a quiet minute and write a memo. Not only does it help to process the events, but it can also be important for the further course of the procedure. This is mainly because court proceedings can take a long time and important details are often forgotten.

3 We recommend that you raise an objection as soon as you have received a penalty injunction. The deadline is only 10 days from receipt of the injunction. This also applies if WG colleagues* etc. accept the letter or if the letter is not picked up at the post office. The period begins to count from the following day of receipt. No later than 10 days later, the objection must be submitted to a Swiss Post office or directly to the public prosecutor’s office. Once the deadline has expired, the penalty order is final and you can no longer oppose the conviction or penalty. An entry will then also be made in your personal criminal record.

If you make the objection yourself, it does not have to be justified. It is enough if you write the following sentence:

“Hiermit erhebe ich Einsprache gegen den Strafbefehl Nr. ……”. Insert first name, surname, date of birth, registration address, place, date, signature.

You should enclose a copy of the penalty injunction. You can also use the appropriate form attached to the order of summary punishment. There is no need for a statement of reasons. ATTENTION: On the form you will be asked for your telephone numbers. This is not necessary for the objection. You can simply leave this section empty. Send the letter or form with a copy of the penalty injunction by registered mail so that you can prove that you met the deadline. You can also submit your objection directly to the public prosecutor’s office (Binningerstrasse 21, 4051 Basel, reception on the ground floor).

IMPORTANT: At the moment, we do not recommend that you indicate any legal representation to the public prosecutor. As the accusations are substantial according to the penalty orders (especially qualified damage to property with damage of at least CHF 10’000), you are entitled to official defence. As long as you are not represented, evidence cannot be gathered against you. Please contact us as soon as you have received an order of punishment with regard to information on further proceedings.

4 If you wish to appeal against the recognition treatment (DNA, fingerprints etc), please contact us as soon as possible so that we can assist you in writing the complaint (draft complaint). Again, the complaint period is only 10 days. (For those who did not receive it when they were discharged: This also applies if colleagues etc. accept the letter or if the letter is not picked up at the post office.) You should also send the complaint by registered mail (and enclose a copy of the original decision).